Take Advantage Of A $586.9 BILLION-DOLLAR Loophole That No One Knows About...


To Activate AUTOMATED Online Stores That Generate

$70, $80 And Even $500+ Per Day On Autopilot!

We Call It “The Machine”... An App That'll Suck In FREE BUYER TRAFFIC Like There’s No Tomorrow!

  • 100% Automated Online Stores That Make Us PASSIVE Income…
  • 100% Newbie Friendly
  • Cloud-Based (Nothing To Install)
  • Forget About Hosting Or Domain Names
  • Sell In-Demand Digital & Physical Products
  • One-Click Daily & Monthly Passive Income 

Take Advantage Of A $586.9 BILLION-DOLLAR E-Commerce Loophole That No One Knows About...


To Activate AUTOMATED Online Stores That Generate

$70, $80 And Even $500+ Per Day On Autopilot!

We Call It “The Machine”... An App That'll Suck In FREE BUYER TRAFFIC Like There’s No Tomorrow!

  • 100% Automated Online Stores That Make Us PASSIVE Income…
  • 100% Newbie Friendly
  • Cloud-Based (Nothing To Install)
  • Forget About Hosting Or Domain Names
  • Sell In-Demand Digital & Physical Products
  • One-Click Daily & Monthly Passive Income 

Grab BLAZE Now & Build Your Store Empire

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Here You Have Evident And Undeniable PROOF

That This Works Like A Charm...

If Only One Store (Created With Just 1 Click) Generates This:

...And This:

How Many Stores Would You Create?

The Right Answer Is: As Many As Humanly Possible!

Crack Open The $586.9 BILLION-DOLLAR E-Commerce Vault

In Just Three Simple Steps!

Yes, This Is A Simple Yet Highly Powerful Three-Step Process
That Anyone With Half A Brain Can Implement...


Activate Your Store

Blaze lets you Activate a Professional Looking, Flexible And Easy to Customize Store In Seconds With Just 1 Click, DFY Templates included!


Add Products To Your Store

Blaze lets you add hundreds of ready to profit physical, digital or affiliate products in less than a minute…
* Note: You don't have to deal with inventory or anything like that


Send FREE Traffic In less than 60 Seconds

Blaze lets you place your store in front of as many buyer eyes as you want in just a few clicks with a powerful traffic engine we have specially designed for this.

Believe Us... There’s NOTHING AS


"The Machine” Is Going To Disrupt The E-Commerce Industry And Help You Finally Become Financially FREE!

Now The Question is:

Are You Ready To Make This Happen?

Date:  [#today:{medium}]...

An Honest Message From: Venkata (Hyper-Successful Marketer & The Brains Behind the almighty “Store Machine”).

Subject: How You Can Legally Exploit A $586.9 BILLION-DOLLAR Breakthrough… Without Breaking A Sweat!

Dear Sick & Tired Newbie,

From now on, this is going to be a 100% B.S.-FREE areaSo listen up and carefully read every word on this page.

You just stumbled upon something of EPIC proportions that will change it all.  Yes...

Believe it or not, this is exactly the kind of shocking discovery that you’ve been dreaming about for so long.

Look, I know that - unfortunately - you’re used to empty promises and pie-in-the-sky dreams, BUT...

I can assure you:


What you’re about to discover will spark an unstoppable, hyper-profitable revolution that you don’t want to miss.

If You Don’t Mind, Here’s

A Couple Of Questions For You:

  • Do you HATE the fact that everyone around you is making money except YOU?
  • ​Do your eyes immediately roll up when another self-proclaimed guru tries to sell you the latest “silver-bullet product”?
  • ​Are you itching to finally CRUSH IT in 2023 and make more money than you can handle?
If you responded with a resounding “YES!” to each of the questions above...

Well, congratulations.

You’re the kind of motivated, ambitious person I want to have on board. You’re going to be one of the “lucky ones” who will see with their own eyes how profitable and powerful my “machine” can be.

Let Me Repeat It Again...

 This Is Something Radically Different

 From What You’re Used To!

So, forget about:

  • Crappy And Outdated Methods That Don’t Work…
  • Praying At Night In The Hope Of Making A Commission Or Two…
  • Spending The Whole Day Glued To Your Monitor...
  • Struggling For Traffic That Will NEVER Buy...
  • Losing Sleep At Night Because You Aren’t Getting Results...
  • Buying Another Garbage Product Again...
  • Suffering From The “Shiny Object Syndrome”...

My point is…

There’s NO need for you to keep struggling and wasting your hard-earned cash trying to find the next “big thing.” Today…

I’ll give you the unique chance to take the bull by the horns and finally get the results you desperately want (and need). I’m talking about having the ability to use a secret cloud-based app that…

Taps Into An Insane Cash Juggernaut That’s Unlike Anything

You’ve Ever Seen Before!

This new, Godzilla-like opportunity is bigger than the almighty Google itself. In fact, as we speak, it's growing at a vertiginous pace and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down.

I’ve developed (with the help of my valuable team) a special app that cleverly (and legally) exploits this loophole.

With my state-of-the-art machine, I’m able to:
  • Pocket $70, $80, $90 and even $100 per day...
  • ​Deploy “set-and-forget” stores that work automatically...
  • Unleash a tsunami of FREE traffic...
  • ​Sell physical and digital in-demand products to the masses (effortlessly)
  • Live life on MY terms, not someone else’s...

Trust Me, Not Even The Pandemic, The Recession, Or The Gloomy 2023 Predictions Can Stop This Thing!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, the world has changed in some unthinkable ways. From one day to the next, people have lost their jobs and have gotten into serious financial trouble.

The pandemic hit super hard and suddenly; the whole thing was complete chaos.

While the world was crumbling, however, my team and I rolled up our sleeves and began to work.

Despite The Chaos Around Us, We Knew Of The Existence Of A Secret Loophole With MASSIVE Potential

Do you know the feeling when you smell a potential opportunity from a mile away?

Well, we felt that hunch.

We saw a new MONSTER building up and the good thing is it seemed that it would become BIGGER and BIGGER. An unstoppable cash juggernaut where money was flowing into it like the world was ending (literally).

And it was reasonable to try to grab a tiny fraction of that MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR opportunity!

My Programmers Started To

Code Furiously…

For endless nights, our office became our second home, and we would even sleep there.

My whole team and I worked tirelessly, and began developing cutting-edge, one-click software technology.

Of course, we did encounter some setbacks, but our focus was on one critical factor…

The KEY Ingredient

That Makes This Breakthrough So Intensely Appealing:

They created a system that effortlessly sucks in boiling hot, RABID BUYERS!

Aka: targeted, credit-card-in-hand traffic…

The kind of traffic that EVERYONE is after…

And that if exploited and funneled correctly, can unlock MASSIVE windfalls of passive profits. Because, after all:

Without this specific, valuable type of traffic…
  • It’s NOT possible to run any type of online business...
  • ​You’ll unnecessarily waste your time...
  • ​You’ll burn money for nothing...
  • ​You’ll go out of business… in a heartbeat...
  • ​The laptop lifestyle will never be for you...

We Knew This, That’s Why We Went “All In” With This

One-Click Software Technology

Our strategy was simple:

To capture as much targeted traffic as possible, and build relentless “profit machines” around it.

I’m talking about high-converting, “set and forget” automatic digital stores. Machines that transform FREE clicks into juicy profits over and over again.

A “Mass-Selling Weapon” Tool That Is…

  • Newbie-proof
  • Easy to use
  • Fully automated
  • Based in the Cloud
  • ​Exploits 99 different HOT traffic sources
  • ​Generates PASSIVE profits (day in, day out)

Imagine Pressing One Button, And Instantly Deploying Cash-Inducing

Stores In Less Than 10 Seconds…


Digital stores that are ready-made and PROVEN to make money, 24/7. And that’s the beauty of it.

Complete automation.

“Set-and-forget” technology that doesn’t force you to spend the whole day in front of your computer.

You just click a few buttons, walk away and come back later to check how much money you made for that day.

I know it sounds like a far–fetched, crazy idea, but I promise you… 

It’s 100% real and I can prove it to you…

Imagine Pressing One Button, And Instantly Deploying Cash-Inducing

Stores In Less Than 10 Seconds…


Digital stores that are ready-made and PROVEN to make money, 24/7. And that’s the beauty of it.

Complete automation.

“Set-and-forget” technology that doesn’t force you to spend the whole day in front of your computer.

You just click a few buttons, walk away and come back later to check how much money you made for that day.

I know it sounds like a far–fetched, crazy idea, but I promise you… 

It’s 100% real and I can prove it to you…

These Are The Mouth-Watering Results That

I’m Enjoying Every Single Day…

Results That Can Be Easily Replicated, Even If You Have

No Technical Skills Whatsoever!

Now, I’m Sure That You’re Asking Yourself How The Heck I’m

Able To Pull These Mind-Blowing Numbers…

It’s simple.

My revolutionary “store machine” revolves around ONE simple concept that changes it all…

It builds a done-for-you store selling stuff to people who are ready to SPEND like crazy.

In other words…

When you deploy these stores, you immediately target buyers who have their credit cards ready to be maxed out.

Forget about broke tire-kickers who don’t have a penny to their name.

My software is able to instantly generate visitors who will literally buy whatever you throw at them!

People Buying From You Every Day =

Financial FREEDOM!

You see, it sucks to be broke.

You just simply can’t do what you want and find yourself constantly worrying about everything all day. 

You become insecure.

Moody. Grumpy.

Debt starts to put a heavy toll on you and losing sleep at night becomes the norm.

Really, it’s a crappy situation.

I don’t wish that, even on my worst enemy.

That’s why I worked my a** off and dropped a whopping 30k to develop and fine-tune the software I’m about to hand to you…

To CHANGE your life.

Seriously – once you unleash “the beast”, pocketing hundreds per day is going to be a piece of cake!

Don’t Believe Me?

Check Out What These Lucky Beta Testers Have To Say…

Edit A Few Things And You Are All Set

This isn’t the first ecommerce set up I’ve tried, but it is one of the easiest because the store design and layouts are already created for you so all you have to do is edit a few things, choose which products and you are all set. It's also good to see that they have included traffic systems and they also host your affiliate store for you so you don’t have to buy hosting or set anything up.

Kapil G.

See The Huge Potential Today

Blaze combines eCom with affiliate marketing seamlessly. You don’t have to be a fan of ecommerce to see the huge potential today. This web based software will get you in the marketplace today… even if you have never done this sort of thing before. What sets Blaze apart from similar looking solutions is the ability to get traffic from social platforms using the ready made post feature and the adaptive set up.

Arun V.

There Isn't A Better Time To Start Doing This.

This is an easy way to bring in extra income while delivering goods on the road. Runs on autopilot and I don't need to store any products so it's perfect for a trucker like me. And best of all, I made $2,536.32 in the same week of activation...

Praveen T.

As you can see, complete newbies with no prior experience or technical skills are banking HARD with the help of my “store machine”… And now it’s YOUR turn.

Instant Results. Instant Profits.

Why wait years, weeks, or even days when you can profit TODAY…
In just a few hours, from now on?
  • Lightning-Fast, One-Click Earnings
  • Deploy. Cash In. Rinse and Repeat
  • Save TONS Of Time
  • ​All The Hard Work Is Done For You
  • ​Never Touch A Single Line Of Code
  • ​Zero-Effort Results
  • ​Build A Store EMPIRE Today

Allow me to proudly introduce…

         The #1 Perpetual Store Machine

Blaze is the ultimate Cloud-based app that doesn’t rely on complicated features.
It’s a well-oiled, smooth and efficient machine that churns out cash-generating stores in less than 10 seconds!
  • Build Profitable Stores With One Click...
  • Tap Into Endless BUYER Traffic...
  • Create An INFINITE Amount Of Stores...
  • Built-In Auto-Responder & Auto-Messaging Included...
  • Predictable Income System...
  • Profit From The E-commerce Craze Today...
  • Advanced Technology At Your Fingertips...
  • Enjoy Passive Profits (Every Day)
  • An Easy Way To Generate A Fortune Online...
  • Round-The-Clock, Friendly Support...
  • Build Perpetual 24/7 Income Streams...
  • 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee...
  • One Rock-Bottom, Pay-Once-Use-Forever Payment

Trust me… 

Once you fire up this bad boy, profits will be inevitable… and making money online won’t be something “strange” to you.

Grab Blaze Now & Build Your Store Empire

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Do You Need More Reasons To Be Convinced About Blaze?

Sure Thing…

This is what one minuscule, instantly created store can generate on a SINGLE day.

Imagine the kind of results that are possible to attain if you “go rogue” and create 10 of these!

“The Machine”... The Innovative Blaze Software

(Worth $97/Month Or $1,164/Year)

This is my baby.

The creation that made me SO much profit this year…

You’ll get unlimited and unrestricted access to the ClickStore software so that you can build, clone and multiply ready-made, high-converting stores.

Start deploying digital stores that will run pretty much on autopilot and siphon off FREE buyer traffic from 99 high-quality traffic sources. This is the closest to owning an ATM machine…

And now, it’s yours to use…

Step-By-Step Video Training On How To Use Blaze

(Worth $297)

I won’t lie to you…

Even a blind monkey can use Blaze and make bank.

It’s so easy that you’ll laugh.

However, I created a concise, step-by-step video tutorial explaining how to make the most out of this unique, out-of-the-box tool for those who are not software-savvy.

Again, follow my instructions and you’ll be able to operate the machine with striking precision.

“Blaze For Dummies” Quick Start Guide

(Worth $297)

Some people hate videos, and that’s cool.

I have included a Quick Start Guide that will show - at a glance - the fastest way to turn on the engines and hit the gas pedal…

So that traffic starts to flood your stores and sales start rolling in quickly.

Exclusive, Personalized Q&A Calls

(Worth $497)

This is a very, very special gift that will be of tremendous value to you.

We’ll hold insightful, personalized Q&A calls and reveal the exact roadmap to make sure that every single member is able to properly launch Blaze and profit as soon as possible.

For your convenience and comfort, it will be recorded in case life gets in the way and you can’t assist.

Believe me…

This is going to be SUPER valuable!

Grab Blaze Now & Build Your Store Empire

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Here’s Why Your Life Will Change For The Better Once

You Start Using Blaze…

Imagine waking up in the morning without having to worry about commuting to your dreaded 9-5 job.

You simply turn on your laptop, launch Blaze and - even before your coffee is brewing - you’ll have already deployed and multiplied as many stores as you want.

These ready-made, niche-focused stores will be ready to suck in targeted traffic *non-stop*… You lay back, relax and let the software do the heavy lifting for you.

Do whatever you want…

  • Enjoy quality time with your loved ones
  • ​Practice your favorite hobby
  • ​Play video games all day
  • ​Read, watch TV or even take a long nap
  • ​Spoil yourself with a new “toy”
  • ​Laze around…
  • ​Dinner in the BEST restaurant in town
  • ​And much more…

With Blaze, you’ll have the utmost *certainty* that when you come back to check your stats,

they will look like this…

But, This Is Probably One Of The

Most Important Things…

You’ll be able to tell your pompous and arrogant boss that he’s FIRED. Bye... Adiós... Sayonara, baby.

Yeah, that’s right…

That’s the ULTIMATE and unadulterated form of blissful freedom… The complete annihilation of the soul-crushing, nerve-racking 9-5 madness.

The chance to live life on YOUR exclusive terms…

No more rat race for you.

Isn’t that worth its weight in gold?

You bet it is!

There is no other way:

Blaze is the perfect solution if you want to finally get rid of your pesky, minimum-wage 9-5 job!

Click the button below to get instant access NOW:

Grab Blaze Now & Build Your Store Empire

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


It’s Time To Simplify Your Life And

Say Goodbye To…

  • Media Buys
  • Losing Your Shirt With PPC
  • Blogging (ugh…)
  • ​SEO
  • ​Doing Everything Manually
  • ​Creating Youtube Videos
  • ​Low-Quality Traffic
  • ​Creating Websites
  • ​Hosting
  • ​Domain Names
  • ​Costly Software
  • ​Building Crappy Funnels

This Is A Brand-New, Freshly Out-Of-The-Oven Opportunity For 2023!

Don’t you hate outdated methods?

Are you disappointed with the results you’ve been getting lately?

If you are, it’s because you need to implement something new…

A proper hands-off, fresh approach that works TODAY in 2023.

The automation of a GIGANTIC $586.9 BILLION-DOLLAR E-commerce loophole that’s waiting to be exploited. The question is…

Are you ready to open the Pandora’s Box of perpetual 24/7 profits?

The Hottest #1

Store Automation Software On The Entire PLANET

  • It’s 100% Scalable (The More You Build, The More You Earn…)
  • Works With: ClickBank, JVZoo, W+, eBay And Much More…
  • It’s Designed To Target BUYER TRAFFIC ONLY (Bye-Bye Time-Wasters And Tire-Kickers…)
  • ​Revolves Around Niches That Are Popular And In-Demand
  • Helps You Sell Physical And Digital Goods To The Masses
  • Works With Just 1 Click...
  • PROVEN To Generate $70, $80, $90 And Even $100+ Per Day...
  • ​Does All The Selling For You, 24/7… No Headaches
  • And Much More...

Don’t Wait A Single Moment More, And Take 

The Plunge NOW…

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Who Is This For?

Literally, ANYONE who wants to achieve utter success in record time can gain access to my off-the-grid “Store Income Device.”
  • Students
  • Unemployed People
  • Retirees
  • ​Struggling Newbies
  • Stay At Home Moms
  • People Hit Hard By The Pandemic
  • Frustrated Marketers
  • ​Broke Affiliates
  • And Much More...
Look, your background really doesn’t matter.

If you’re ambitious enough, then Blaze is definitely for you!

Are You Going To Risk

Having The Same Mediocre Results Over And Over Again?

I don’t want to sound arrogant, but…

The fact that you’re still here, reading this, is a privilege for you, not a right.

You see, not a lot of folks will ever hear about the wonders of Blaze.

They will keep wasting their time buying useless IM products that are a complete joke. Not only that, but they won’t be able to replicate the mind-blowing results that we’ve been getting thanks to Blaze.

And it’s sad, I know… 

But right now, you HAVE to think about yourself and your future…

Are you going to do the same things over and over again without any results to show for it?

Are you willing to struggle every day for no reason? Or would you rather…

Take TOTAL Control Of Your Life And Become

Financially FREE…

I’m giving you everything you need in order to make a SOLID, reliable income.

You don’t need anything else…
  • No trial and error.
  • No trying to figure out everything by yourself.
  • No more walking in the dark.
I’m handing you on a silver-platter the exact same software that we use almost on a daily basis.

And it can be totally yours, so that you can finally experience what it is like to SUCCEED.

Shopify Can’t Stand A Chance

Against Blaze

I know that some of you might think:

“What’s the difference between Shopify and Blaze?”

In two simple words:

Automation and convenience.

As you might know, Shopify is just a tool to help you create a store that you’ll have to customize. Sure, it’s great. But with Shopify, when you’re using it, you’re on your own.

On the other hand…

Blaze will AUTOMATICALLY create done-for-you, traffic-funneling stores.

You click a button and voilá, you’re all set. Plus, forget about paying $299 per month (the monthly recurring price of Shopify.)

With just one single payment, you can use our unique software FOREVER!

Grab Blaze Now & Build Your Store Empire

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


[IMPORTANT] You’ll Also Get 5 Spectacular FREE Bonuses Worth Over $5,185:

(Only If You Are Quick And Get On Board NOW…)


$15K In 7 Days With The Done-For-You Kit!

Swipe the EXACT same products & offers in the same Niches that made us $15,321.92 in 7 days.

You can use these in your own stores in just a couple of clicks...

Worth $997, Yours FREE…


$300 Per Day Accelerator

What you have with Blaze is great by itself, but more is better, don’t you agree? It’s always good to have additional streams of income instead of relying on one…

That’s why we are including a bonus that shows you how we added an extra income stream of $300 per day to our business.

The best part is:
  • You don’t need any prior experience…
  • ​​Zero technical skills required
  • ​​No hefty investment needed
  • ​​It only takes 15 minutes to implement
  • ​​The income comes in on autopilot…
You don’t have to be a genius to figure it out… Just follow the steps we show you and you’ll be good to go…

Worth $497, Yours FREE…


Free Traffic Machine

In order to make profits with Blaze, you will need visitors to come to your online store. And although there IS built in traffic included, which is working for us… What if you could get even more traffic? Is that something you’d be interested in?

If so, you’re in luck… We’re going to give you a free bonus that reveals how we’re getting free viral traffic from a little known source…

And here’s what you’re going to love:
  • You don’t need to spend an extra penny to get the traffic...
  • ​​These visitors are super targeted and love to buy…
  • The traffic is VIRAL, and spreads like a virus (it multiplies itself)
Virtually NOBODY else is doing this, so it’s working like gangbusters… This in turn allows us to receive even more payments, and scale our business higher.

Like the sound of that?

To get this bonus, just pick up a copy of Blaze right now. We will only be offering this to the earlybird users, so hurry…

Worth $297, Yours FREE…


Online Store Weird & Profitable Niches

With any online store, there’s one important thing… You must be in the proper niche. If you don’t, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You could have the best product in the world, work your butt off, and still fail!

I’d hate for that to happen to you. So here’s what I’m going to do…

I’m going to give you a free bonus that shows you:
  • How to find the most profitable niches...
  • ​​Why weird & embarrassing niches are usually the most profitable The secret to finding proven products that are already making millions of dollars…
  • My technique for finding micro niches that have high demand, yet low competition
If you pickup Blaze, it’s SUPER important that you take advantage of this bonus, because it will give you an advantage over everyone else…

Worth $997, Yours FREE…


$3k In 24 Hours Blueprint

If you are looking for something that brings in income right now, this is it… In this step-by-step, over the shoulder training, you’re going to see the exact steps we took to make $3,000 in 24 hours…

The best part about this all?

We made this money from scratch…

I could’ve been dead broke, with $0 in my bank account, and still made $3,000 within the timespan of 24 hours.

Just follow the steps we show you inside and you’ll be setup for success…

Worth $397, Yours FREE…





But I’m Not Done Yet…

I’m Going To Give You A “$200-300 Daily” Reason To Grab Blaze Now

This is a VERY special (... and expensive) GIFT that I’ll give to you if you take swift action and get on board now.

Unfortunately, I’m forced to offer this to the first 250 buyers only… after that, I’ll keep it private.


FIRST 100 Buyers Get Blaze “Atomic” Upgrade - Avg User Makes An Extra $200-300 Daily

(Honest To God Value: $997)
I love to spoil action takers… So I’m going to be throwing in something super special... 

See, we’ve figured out a way to bring in $200-300 extra every single day in profits with Blaze…

All by leveraging a strategy that nobody else is using… Call it unfair, but it works!

Enabling you to:
  • Work Less…
  • ​See Quicker Results…
  • ​Make More…
This bonus is another way of rewarding those who take action.

And speaking of taking action, this will ONLY be available to the first 100 buyers… After that, we will stop offering it.

So if you like the sound of all of this… Don’t let the opportunity Slip away.

Click the button below right now to get a copy of Blaze along with this special bonus…

**Only For The First 250 Buyers!**

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


I Want You To Consider This A Fair


I’m going to keep it real with you. The paltry price I’m asking right now for the Blaze software plus the aforementioned FREE BONUSES is simply ridiculous.

But, it won’t be like this forever. The price will definitely shoot up.

No… this is not one of those fake scarcity techniques.

I’m dead serious about increasing the price…

What’s MORE:

Once I feel that enough smart people hop on board… I’ll shut the doors of this once-in-a-lifetime offer… permanently. Why am I doing this?


To protect my students’ interests and to prevent saturation – I just want a certain amount of motivated individuals using my software. That’s why it makes total sense to seize this opportunity for a fraction of the cost…

Without hesitation. Without even thinking about it!

Click the button below before it’s too late…

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:




I want to put on the table a deal that you’ll be hard-pressed to refuse. This is the “mother” of all deals if you will…

My personal approach is to melt away your doubts and skepticism. And make things even easier for you.

I want to offer you a risk-removing guarantee that will put your mind at ease. Because…

I’m SO sure that my ground-breaking “store machine” will help you CRUSH it in 2023 that I’m willing to do something that no one else is. Hear me out…

Get unlimited access to Blaze plus the FREE bonuses.

Use the software for 90 days (yup, that’s 3 months.)

If during this time you fail to succeed, then not only will I refund you every last penny… But I’ll even give you one hundred bucks ($100) from my own pocket as a way to say “sorry.”

If I didn't truly believe in this software as I do, I would never attempt something like this... So this is my personal way to tell you that I stand behind Blaze 100%.

There's NO risk and NOTHING to lose... 

Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything That

You’re Getting Today…

  • Access to my earth-shaking, brand-new software, Blaze (Valued At $497 Per Month = $5,964 Per Year)
  • Do-This-Do-That Video Tutorials (Valued At $297)
  • The Valuable Start Guide (Valued At $197)
  • An Exclusive Q&A Call (Valued At $297)
  • PREMIUM BONUS #1: $15k In Just 7 Days (Valued At $997)
  • PREMIUM BONUS #2: The “Lazy Passive Profits” Method (Valued At $497)
  • PREMIUM BONUS #3: “60-Second Sales” (Valued At $297)
  • PREMIUM BONUS #4: “The 1k-A-Day Formula” (Valued At $997)
  • PREMIUM BONUS #5: “The Daily $401 Payment System” (Valued At $397)
  • SURPRISE BONUS : Valued At $997
  • The Right To My Love-It-Or-Hate-It 90-Day Guarantee (Invaluable)
  • Either You Succeed Or I’ll Give You $100… (Downright crazy…)
  • And Much More…

If You Do The Math, All Of This Is

Valued At A Whopping…


But, For A VERY Limited Time…

You Can Get Everything For A Measly One-Time Payment Of…



Hurry Up And Secure Access To Blaze + Bonuses While The Price Is Rock-Bottom Low…

Blaze Is Your Platinum Pass To The Life You’ve

 Always Dreamed About…

Yes, an empowering, limitless life where you call the shots, and folks call you “el jefe.”


  • Traveling The World
  • ​Endless Vacations
  • ​Retiring Early
  • ​Providing A Better Life For Your Family
  • ​Expensive Cars
  • ​No More Bosses
  • ​Writing Off Debt
  • ​Brand New Clothes
  • ​Owning The Latest Gadgets
  • ​NO Limits In Your Life
  • ​Total FREEDOM
  • ​And More…

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Remember, The Clock Is Ticking…

Here’s Why You Should Act NOW

  • Unlock The Lowest Possible Price
  • ​Have Access To ALL The Bonuses
  • ​Be Eligible For My 90-Day Guarantee
  • ​Access To Cutting-Edge Tools And Training
  • ​The BEST Store Builder Out There
  • A Predictable “Income Machine”
  • ​Unleash The Power Of Automation
  • ​Save TONS Of Money
  • ​Get REAL And Life-Changing Results
  • ​Never Struggle Again
  • ​“Point & Click” Profits
  • ​24/7 Friendly Support
  • ​And Much, Much More…

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


What’s It Gonna Be?

Right now, you’re at a crossroads. And there’s a VERY important decision to be made.
It’s now… or never. The way I see it, you have two choices:

Choice #1

(The Least Recommended)

  • Keep doing the things you’ve been doing until now…
  • ​Struggling to generate traffic and sales…
  • ​Wasting valuable time that you’ll never get back…
  • ​Maxing out your credit card on junk products that won’t deliver…
  • ​Pulling your hair out because of the lackluster results you’ve been getting lately…
  • ​And being completely lost as to what to do next.
This is NOT the path you deserve, right?

Choice #2

(Highly Recommended) 

The second choice is jumping on board and giving Blaze a chance to change everything for you.

Remember that you’re fully protected by two solid money-back guarantees:
  • My “No-Monkey-Business” 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • My “I’ll-Give-You-$100-If-It-Doesn’t-Work” Guarantee
But, in all honesty…
Once you start using Blaze and tap into an unending stream of FREE buyer traffic…
And you deploy “automatic passive income streams”...

You won’t need to use these life-saving guarantees. So, knowing that there’s NO RISK here, I encourage you to take action right now, before it’s too late…

One Last Thing Before I Sign Off…

Blaze is the same underground, 6-figure store automation tool that we use all the time.

It does absolutely everything for you and it’s a GREAT hands-off approach to start selling like CRAZY.

Some of our beta testers (green-as-grass newbies with no technical skills) are getting mouth-watering results like these…
We’ve invited more than 500,000 people to this page, so while you’re hesitating…

Some smart folks already took action. Do the same, and jump onto the Blaze bandwagon NOW.

You’ll be glad you did… That’s it. I’m signing off…

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to see you on the inside!


PS. Think about the massive value that I’m proving here… The main “store machine” that cranks out profitable stores with one click… 

The phenomenal bonuses… plus my risk-removing guarantees that will allow you to sleep at night… Aren’t these enough reasons to order Blaze right now?

PPS. Generating quality “credit-card-in-hand” traffic will never be a problem ever again.

Blaze automatically taps into 99 different traffic sources FULL of rabid buyers who are ready to take action. Selling stuff to them will be as easy as stealing candy from a baby…

Having more traffic than you can ever imagine is going to be the golden ticket to unlimited online success!

PPPS. This is *TRULY* 1-Click Software technology… and we bank over $100+ per day thanks to it. We don’t pay a single dime for traffic, record videos, build funnels, create content or do anything that takes a lot of work…

Heck, we don’t even need hosting or domain names. We press a button and create done-for-you, sizzling-hot stores in less than 10 seconds. And today, we’d like to help you to do the same!

PPPPS. Once you get inside, you’ll also find hands-on, step-by-step training. You’ll know exactly what to do and how you can benefit from Blaze in the fastest possible way.

You can consider this a personal invitation to finally unlock complete online success without breaking the bank.

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:


Still On The Fence?

Is There A Money Back Guarantee?
Yes, you are covered by our 90-day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab Blaze at the special introductory discount...
Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience?
No tech skills or previous experience is needed, the stores are already done-for-you and ready to go... 
Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And ios?
Yes, you can use this on any device...
Are There Any Monthly Fees?
Right now, No! We’ve eliminated the monthly fee for the special introductory launch period. (But hurry because the price will revert back to $97 a month AFTER the launch period ends)
Is Training Included?
Absolutely. When you get this now, you’ll get our step-by-step video training that makes it easy to be up & running in seconds…
How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click The Button Below Now...

Get Instant Access To Blaze + Bonuses Now For Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

For A Measly One-Time Payment Of Only $17 (Instead Of The Usual $297)

Only $17 For Fast-Action Takers (Save Up To $280 If You Act Now)

Hurry The Price Rises In:

This site is NOT endorsed by Google, Facebook or YouTube in ANY WAY. All trademarks & Logo / branding are the property of their respective owners.

Income Disclaimer: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my/our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Blaze (and its creators) make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

Guarantee Terms: The Conditional Guarantee Is Not A Promise Of Payout Whatsoever. It's Merely There To Show You That We're Confident About What We're Offering. To Qualify For The Conditional Guarantee You Must Show Clear Cut Evidence That You've Done The Work And Asked For Help And We Weren't Able To Solve The ProblemWe do not however guarantee specific results or rewards in any form. If Blaze does not work as stated we will return your payment - Refunds are always honoured so there are No Risks! 

*Please Note: Blaze is a software as a service (SaaS). Access is IPN linked to your payment… Refunding will cancel software access and render existing projects in your dash void immediately*

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. as with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
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